martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Hello Helsinki!!!

A friend of mine shared with me this fashion blog and I looove it. The pictures you are about to see is of everyday people. Just regular people on the streets, these are not models. Take a peek! You will see the latest fashion of Northen European countries. And if you read the comments you will noticed that all these people are mostly wearing vintage, second hand clothing. I know that here in Georgia would be difficult to find great pieces like the one they are wearing but there are some great trifth stores out there, where you can
find treasures. I will put a list together of the best trifth stores I have found so far, but if you know of one let me know. Share your thoughts. Hello Helsinki

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Re-use, Re-cycle and DIY

I strongly believe there's always one easy way to help this world's eco-system. My way is by  re-using materials and creating a new product out of them. I find used furniture and create a new piece out of it. Last year I spent a lot of time at trifth stores and you would not believe how many great pieces I found. I have a very special taste when it's about decorating my home sweet home. Not only has to make me feel comfortable and cozy, but it also has to be inspirating. Every little piece brings me inspiration to use my creativity. And remember that not only you are helping the eco-system but also your pocket!!
Last month I spent a lot of time spray painting, and here is a few things that I did.